Old 02-03-2015, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by lynnie View Post
i'll have pics on Tuesday if I can get to jeannes and if my cAt lets me cut out the triangles. shes'
being a real bum about it. everytime se hears the rotary cutter being opened, she comes running
and sits on top of what I do. then the argument ensues. I hate arguing wit a cat!

I know what you mean Lynnie! I was trying to lay out something last night, and here came Mr. running into my sewing room and jumping up on my cutting table. Took him off to a pillow filled with scraps that I made just for him, and he instantly hopped off and back onto the cutting table. Grrrr.

Just got back Sunday from visit grandkids, and no scraps with me either. So I'll now have to print off all the Clues and make it later. I'm looking forward to the next train ride - scraps I have plenty of!
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