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Old 02-05-2015, 04:56 PM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 1
Default First quilt as gift

I am making a quilt as a gift for the first time and have a few questions about how to give it.
First, what would be a nice way to wrap it? I am considering sewing a pillowcase for it to be stored in when not in use. Are there any other ways to wrap it?
Second, should I give detergent with it? I definitely want to print cleaning instructions to put with the quilt but I didn't know if I should include detergent as well.
Third, I am actually making two of the same kind of quilt. I am giving one to each of my sister-in-laws. We are all at the time in our lives that we are having babies and I found a wonderful quilt that I know they would love. The problem is that one of them takes horrible care of everything she owns. You can't walk through her house because it is so messy. Normally, when I give gifts, I give them with just the thought that I hope they enjoy it but I become attached to my quilts and I want it to be taken care of. I know it is slightly ridiculous but that is how I feel. What should I do? Has anyone else ever had this fear and what did you do?
Thank you in advance.
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