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Old 02-05-2015, 06:55 PM
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by Tartan View Post
Oh my, what a great room and fabric selection! You will want to either cover your fabric or your window to prevent your fabric from fading even from indirect sunlight.
So, tonight we solved this problem by constructing a design wall. My hubby found some 1/4" steel rods at the hardware store. I bought 3 yards of 60" wide felt. Aunti had some 1/2" double-wide bias tape in her stash. I bound the edges, and my hubby threaded the rods through the resulting pocket top and bottom. He put cup hooks into the ceiling, slid the rods into the cup hooks and voila! A design wall.


The only thing is that I can't see my rainbow of fabrics... it was a choice of either masking the wall of fabric or the window light, and I love looking out a window during the day, so I decided that I can take down the design wall fabric at will, or (probably more likely) I can roll it up to the ceiling when I'm choosing fabrics from the wall. It has ties on it so I can roll it up and tie it there. I may make multiple layers to my design wall in time (as I saw on Pinterest).
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Last edited by Bequest; 02-05-2015 at 07:01 PM.
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