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Old 02-13-2015, 09:04 AM
Janice McC
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For everyone, I didn't want to advertise this but Elisabrat's fabric for NanaKAthy has gone missing as you can see by her post. If anyone has any left, please contact me BY EMAIL PLEASE!!! [email protected].

Elisabrat, I will email you later, but to answer your question, NanaKathy's fabric was the same for everyone. If I recall correctly, it was in Press N Seal, but I might be wrong on that one. I haven't made my block for NanaKathy yet, so I'll save what I can for you. Also there might be some remnants in some of the packages I've already rec'd but I won't be able to check that until tonight as I'm off to the hospital shortly with my sister for routine post-chemo "stuff". Please look for my email tonight so we can go over options.
Originally Posted by Elisabrat View Post
ok Janice cant find it here at all. kept the envelope with fabric in it at all times on the corner of the table. I have not seen that fabric at all. crud!

nanakathy did you send everyone the same fabric or did perhaps you send a different one to a few? I cant find the fabric that you sent others at all. I never worked on it! does anyone have scraps of that fabric they would send to me so I can make her a block? I feel rotten about this. if not can I make a block out of similar colors to send you or do you want to send me a fabric of your choice and I will immediately work on your block. I am so sorry but I have scoured things and its not in my sewing room at all. its simply 2 book shelves of fabric, one row of scraps and a box of Christmas fabric and its not in any of those spots. no idea how if it was here it walked out but apparently I have fabric gnomes! sigh. let me now asap! check your scapes. and Janice if you have a few scraps that have been sent back to you could have enough to make a block? any would lovely! I apologize. its been a tough week for me. I thought I was so smart and so together. apparently not so much
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