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Old 02-21-2015, 10:50 PM
Teddybear Lady
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Originally Posted by mengler View Post
If you are flying and have some hand sewing you can put a bobbin in an empty floss container. Then you don't need scissors and the thread won't runaway. I was bingeing on yo-yos once and knocked out hundreds on a plane trip.
I knew there had to be a way of using those empty floss containers! I save almost everything. I put bent pins in old plastic film containers and empty tic tac containers. I recently found and bought 4 of the Velveeta plastic cheese boxes at the Goodwill for $1.00 each. They hold my small fabric squares and they have lids. These boxes were a promotional item a couple of years ago. They were supposed to be used to put your opened Velveeta in. I usually use the whole loaf of cheese when making dip. I just wanted the container. haha
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