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Old 03-01-2015, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Hikeaddict
Oh terriamn that makes me so happy that I shared! I'm glad that you were able to avert a headache for yourself as well!

Also- my 1/4 inch guide foot came in the mail today. I have never spent a more worthwhile $10!! I can get a perfect 1/4 inch seam OR if I move my needle over a hair, I get a lovely scant 1/4 inch. I wasn't going to get one at first because I saw on all these websites that the tape method is just as good- well if the websites said it was good enough I wasn't gonna be noob enough to buy one. I am so glad I was noob enough to buy one! Haha. You ladies should get much nicer blocks because of it, so yay!

And lastly - @ moonwork- I tried to PM you this, but it wouldn't let me attach the photo. I know part of the fun here is picking fabric for everyone else, but I have a HUGE plethora of shades of green/teal sitting on my sewing (dining room) table staring me in the face. I'm posting a pic- tell me if any combo of these colors catch your fancy. Do let me know if you don't care for them- I won't have hurt feelings


Squeals in delight... these are all so wonderful! After my experience, I think the darkest one and then either the 2nd or 3rd one would be great. I'd suggest steering away from the 4th and very last one maybe. You do have a plethora of shades ( I love where that word came into use from....)
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