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Old 03-03-2015, 10:03 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
Posts: 16,105

I had a small craft shop in a craft shop. It was like a little 6x6' closet. I helped the owner of the little 1 bedroom house turned shop. My "closet" was called "Aunt Tessa's Treasure Closet". I had hat stands for different events and took orders. It was fun and kept me busy as if I wasn't busy enough. Worked in a salon with 3 Theresa. Had to decide how to differentiate. Since I was last hire in, I went with Tessa but we had 3 clients who were variations of the same. So I went with Tessagain. Went to use it as a user name but on couple email sites, Tessagain was taken so I dropped the upper case and came up with tessagin. it is a user on a couple other business sites. DH when he helps with setting up site profiles, he automatically asks, "tessagin?". Yep! oh and my grandmothers used to call me Tessy because Terry was a boy's name.
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