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Old 03-23-2015, 11:42 AM
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Default April I Spy Swap with a BOY theme twist

Hi everyone... Sandra has asked me to help with the I Spy swap this month, while she is recovering from her illness. So you will be mailing your squares to me this month! Sandra will be back in the saddle as soon as she feels ready.

I Spy Swap With Boy Theme Twist
I Spy Swap Dead Line to Join is April14th, 2015

Please cut your charms before joining.

Charms need to be in my hands by April 21st, 2015
Will start swapping on April 25th, 2015

If you would like to be part of the I Spy Charm Swap, here are the guidelines. Please read all carefully:

1. Please pm me telling me that you want to enter the swap. In the pm please tell me how many sets you want to do,name and address along with board name. I will then send you a pm giving you my mailing address.

2. We will be swapping sets of 10 charm squares, each 5 inch square. You may send more than one set of 10 charms, up to 12 sets. Each set that you send to me CAN be cut from the same fabric (or 10 different fabrics) . You should be able to cut 10 five inch squares from around 1/4 yard of fabric depending on the design spacing. If you send more than one set, please use a different fabric for each set. I will divide up the charms randomly and return back to you 10 different charms per set. At least that is the goal, and I will try hard to do that! (If you send several sets, please realize that you might get duplicate charms in return.) If you do the twist no fabric from your originals are to be in there.

3. Please send 100 percent cotton only. Prewash or not prewash is acceptable . Squares should be carefully rotary cut from 100% cotton fabric. Keep in mind that your squares could end up in a child's quilt. Select fabrics that will hold up to a lot of love, wear, tears, draggin', cuddlin', washing, and trips through the dryer. Fabrics that fray easily, or are thin enough to see through are not good candidates for this swap.

Please be advised that fabrics that are not square, squares too wonky or too off grain, squares that are shedding, squares that contain selvages, or those that are not 5" square will be returned unswapped. Be accurate in cutting the 5 inch squares. The novelty design should be good size, not needs to be easily recognizable from a distance.Try to have the character centered on the charm as much as possible.

Be creative in your would be great to not have too many sending me the same fabrics! In doing this I've only had a couple doubles. If you want you could post pictures of fabric it helps others in what they will send. Not a must though. Please no flowers, lines, solids,etc. These will be returned to you. We need more children fabric. Trucks, houses, food, characters , sports, camping, lets did dig deep and send in different things. License fabric is welcome. Children's fabrics please!! Please try your best NOT to send fabrics you have sent in before.

4. Place each set of 10 charms in a zip lock sandwich size baggie. INCLUDE your name, address, and QB name on a piece of paper and put it inside baggies. (Labels on the outside baggie are wonderful). Please buy postage or conceal cash in your envelopes. You just need to give me the correct postage. If postage is not included I will have to wait to send your charms back until you send the correct postage. I will provide flat rate envelopes they cost $6.10 now. Try to get the new "forever" postage that's available for flat rate. anyone who sends that won't need to send cash. Please include an address label to return to you.
****Outside the US needs to add more postage for it will cost more. I'm sure when you send it you will know what to send. Please send correct amount for I will not ship until correct amount is received.****

5. The last day for me to receive the charms is April 21,2015. I will post when I receive your charms. If you are sending them from outside the US, please keep this in mind as it sometimes takes weeks for packages to arrive. I will divide up the charms during the week and send out by April 25th , 2015. Anything received after April 21, 2015 will be returned to you.I will start the process of swapping on the 22nd of February , 2015.

6. Now for the TWIST: Boy Theme
We will do 10 sets of 10 blocks each, boy theme. Put each set in its own Baggie . You need to have at least two sets in the original swap to participate. You don't have to do the twist. This is optional. You also can choose to do 1, 2, 5, or 7 sets of twists or 10 sets . How many is up to you. This twist is for anything about boys: What ever you would want in a boys quilt.

Remember to send in what you would like to receive back.
Let’s have tons of fun,and of course you have to follow all the basic rules, found here.
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