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Old 01-10-2010, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by kat112000
Holy UFO's woman!!! You win!! Now I don't feel so bad about my pile!
I blame a friend. I was sitting in a board meeting for my local quilt guild one day and she popped off with, "I have 36 UFOs." Not that I'm competitive or anything :roll: but I thought "I bet I have that many." Then I went home, pulled out a 4x6 index card and started going through my things. The list got longer and longer and soon my stomach was sitting in a puddle in my shoes. (Or maybe it was something else, the list sort of scared me with its length!) I knew I was in trouble when I needed a second index card. Now, in my defense, when I first started quilting it was considered very bad to do any sort of quilting by machine, at least in the snobby group I belonged to in California. Since then it's become acceptable but at the time I did everything by hand. I kept putting off the larger pieces because it takes so long to hand quilt them, which is why the king sized quilt top has been a UFO for so long. We were finally able to afford to get a new machine (it was on lay-away about a year but I love my Janome 6600!) and last year I decided to bite the bullet and learn to machine quilt. Since then I've been slowly wittling down my list, though I'm afraid it's going to take a couple more years. I figure it took me 18 years to build up the huge stack of UFOs I have so it'll at least take me 3-4 years to get it back down to a managable size. Meanwhile, I keep seeing all these wonderful quilts I simply must make, so I'm only doing about 1 UFO a month at this point. I joined a UFO Bee and am in a UFO Challenge, which helps because it forces me to stick to a deadline and actually work on at least one UFO at all times.
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