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Old 03-31-2015, 05:44 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 91

My maternal grandmother passed when my mom was 2 and my mom and aunt grew up really very dirt poor with no cousins or anything. No quilting and hardly any sewing. No indoor plumbing either! My paternal grandmother had 8 kids, 5 of them girls. They lived in a small 4 room house and in the living room there was a huge quilting frame that hung from the ceiling on pulleys. At night the girls would lower it and work on a quilt and when done, they hoisted it up to get it out of the way for the next morning. It's really very sad but only me and one of my 42 cousins actually quilt. My dad taught me to crochet which he learned from his sisters. I much prefer quilting but have crocheted several afghans and baby blankets over the years. I have one sibling, a sister, who has never picked up a needle and thread in her life. I was hoping to be able to pass on my love of cooking, fabric, and gardening but we haven't been blessed with children (yet?). I have hope for my youngest niece who's 13 as she has the most common sense and lack of obsession with electronic gadgets. She hasn't shown an interest in sewing or quilting yet but she's becoming a good little baker and helps in the garden some.
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