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Old 03-19-2008, 01:04 PM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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Originally Posted by bebe
Hello Quilters!!!!
1. To keep track of your scissors for cutting thread and such cut a 48 inch piece of ribbonor thread . Tie it to the end of the finger hole of scissors then. Loop the other end around the carrying handle on your sewing machine.

**** I wouldn't dare try this. With my luck, I'd just lose the whole stinkin' machine right along with the other 87 pairs of scissors I just know are somewhere around here. :? *****

2. Safety pin swatches of fabric you need to match on a key ring take along when you shop. Use a seperate pin for each swatch.

**** And don't forget your regular keys. You can't start a car with swatches. Don't ask me how I know. Just trust me. :wink: ****

8. A good way to practice free-motion quilting is to quilt your name over and over . Focus on the way you want your name to look and not on the mechanics of quilting.

**** I think my name would look great on a check for $32,000,000 dollars. Any idea where I can find that pattern? :lol: ****

10. To wrap a large quilt that you are giving as a present to someone place it in a laundry basket. Wrap the basket with an inexpensive disposable tablecloth.

**** Tell them you want your laundry back by Tuesday ... light starch, folded neatly, please. :lol: ****

13. The next time you go for an eye exam , take your quilting with you to show the optometrist what you need to be able to see.

**** WHAT? Let somebody actually see it up close and in person? :shock: ****

15. Save space by hanging an over the door shoe organizer on your sewing room door to hold sewing notions and small pieces of fabric.

**** Check your shoes carefully for needles and pins before you put them on. OUCH!!! ****

16. Plastic meat trays are convenient containers to store small pieces of fabric or sewing notions.

**** I'll take my steak medium rare, please. You may have the tray with my compliments. :wink: ****
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