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Old 01-11-2010, 12:39 AM
winding_branch's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: UK
Posts: 20

Hi all,
Just to let you know that I've received my appointment letter for the Neurologist - it's the 30th January, at 10.45am. Yes, I know - how weird a Saturday, but apparantely they're having an extra clinic for Dr Watts to clear the backlog of patients. I'll let you know how it all goes. In the meantime, I have a quilting related question - how do you hand quilt small items such as pot holders & pin cushions without a hoop, as they're too small to go into one? Do you just hold small items such as this in your hands & quilt them? I'm thinking of having a go at doing a little English patchwork, if I can get my headaches & visual disturbances low enough to do so, but the pincushion's are also on my mind - I really just can't pick a suitable first project at the moment!
I'd really like to make a quilt as the winters are freezing here - would this be too much of an undertaking as a beginner? What do you think?
Best wishes
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