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Old 04-12-2015, 06:49 PM
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There have been several discussions on Tin Lizzies here. I searched and found this one right off....

Perhaps it will be helpful. Put Tin Lizzie in the search thing at the top right and you will find others. You may have to go back a ways, but I remember at least two more threads about Tin Lizzie.

If you have a way to try one out, like at a quilt show, that is what I would do if I was looking. ( edited...Okay, I just reread your post, and you did try one out. You know, if you did and you liked it....then I would go for it. There was a pretty nifty display at the last quilt show I went to. If I had room for a long arm, I might have considered the sit down one.... I would want to have a dealer not too far away thought, because I think I would need classes to figure it all out. )


Last edited by Dina; 04-12-2015 at 06:52 PM.
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