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Old 04-16-2015, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Mrs. SewNSew View Post
I actually GOT a pattern wheel with this machine! It also had a manual but most of the pages are missing lol. It didn't have a foot controller so I had to find one of those. It had a cord but the bakelite connector had been shattered and glued and was in a terrible state. I found a new connector and got a new cord together for it. As soon as I unscrewed the old connector it fell apart in a million pieces so I was glad I bought the replacement.
Ohh, lucky!! Mine came with a great assortment of feet and the original foot controller, but no pattern wheel and no manual. I'm STILL waiting for the wheel I've ordered, haven't come across a manual yet (haven't really been looking though).

The bakelite plug on my machine body is broken too, but doesn't seem to harm the function so I've left it as-is. Those seem to be broken on a lot of these machines.

I STILL want to get the original one that belonged to my grandma. My aunt has it in storage now but she's in a 30+ year long war with my mother so she won't even talk to me, much less let me have it. (I'd even PAY her for it) BUT my cousins (3 boys) think it's all ridiculous and have pledged that all of Gran's sewing stuff will come to me whenever their mom either passes on or starts letting go of all her "stuff" she's got horded away. I just have to show up with a truck and help clear stuff out. DEAL!! I'd help anyway, but with a couple family sewing machines on offer you can bet I'll be there with bells on. LOL
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