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Old 05-01-2015, 04:49 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 335

I have two suggestions. You can make the pocket separately ...including the backing and make it from seam to seam...I do this a creates many little pockets including one for checkbook or cell phone and pens. The side seams would be in the seams of the actual could then sew the bottom by hand or sew with invisible thread all across the bottom of the pocket. The other suggestion is to do your totes the way I do mine. I use batting for both the exterior and the lining. This double batting makes for a very nice sturdy tote or bag. I quilt each separately and actually practice my FMQ on the lining since it will not show that much. I usually straight line quilt the exterior. This also makes it better for using magnetic fasteners and sewing the straps. I trim the batting bulk on both sides of the seam before turning the bag. Hope this helps you.
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