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Old 05-20-2015, 05:52 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Originally Posted by Camille
Dh and I went to Shelbourne Falls, Ma today to my favorite quilt shop (A Notion to Quilt). It's in the Birkshires and is beautiful. He's never been there before. Me, several times. There are 2 spectacular attractions there. The first are the Glacial Potholes that are millions of years old. You have to see them to believe it. Then we walked over the Bridge of Flowers. Not quite in full bloom yet. I brought 2 quilts with me that I just finished and took a couple of photos. The first is a black and white large tumbler. The second is a jelly roll race that I was not happy with, so I appliqued circles to add to it because it was too flowery. Joe is not the greatest photographer, so I had to settle with what he did. I also had to buy him lunch in town. It's a wonderful tourist attraction if you're ever in the area. The bridge goes over the Deerfield River and the Berkshire Mountains are in the background. It was a beautiful day.
Beautiful quilts and background...
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