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Old 01-12-2010, 03:54 PM
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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
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Originally Posted by cande
Made this small lap robe, about 50"X36" because I wanted to try my hand at a pinwheel pattern using some scraps I had. Got it into my head that I'd like to try free motion quilting (WHAT was I thinking!!) so went to Amazon and ordered the foot - which , btw, was very affordable, less than $10. with S&H. So yesterday, I decided to bite the bullet, grabbed a small chunk of soap, drew out the design (if that's what you want to call it) and went to town. Good God gertie, by the time I got done. I was sweating bullets! I had a heck of a time staying on my chalk markings, keeping the speed constant, moving the quilt with half of it rolled up in the throat. It was NOT a pleasant experience! Showed it to hubby; bless his heart, he told me it wasn't bad for my first attempt and practice makes perfect, etc., etc. to keep it up and soon I'd get the hang of it. Well, it's going to take a LOT of practice. My admiration for you that have mastered the art of free motion quilting has risen way up! Don't know if you can see in the pics but it's not pretty This is my entry in the ugly quilt contest!

WOW you sure have done better than I would have done! Im afraid to attempt it! Keep going, you have done wonderful!
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