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Old 05-24-2015, 05:42 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2014
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All of these comments bring us to the age old question. How long, or why, do we save things. I too have my wedding gown. 36 years. If we don't do anything with it. If we don't display it. If the fabric is too frail to make a different project out of. If it just is not up to being used for anything, then how long do we save it? Just so it's in a box in the attic and when I am gone my daughter can?? What?? Do what with it? Save it for another 30 years because it was moms? Don't get me wrong. I have no intentions of getting rid of mine. But I am a saver . My kids are not. All the things I store away for so long will most likely be donated when I am gone. So do I keep hanging on to them? Seems like I am creating more work for them? Sometimes I think guilt has me hanging on to things. I don't think you should throw out your wedding dress! I think this summer I will get mine out and look at it. There might be some usable parts. Maybe small pillows for all the grandkids.... Anyway, sorry for the rant. I may have gotten carried away . Sophie2, I hope you do something really great with your moms dress!!!!
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