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Old 06-08-2015, 05:10 PM
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 12

I have a 1948 Kenmore made by White in the process of being restored came with all the attachments and book it came in a cabinet that is in decent shape with a knee control.

I got a 1974 futra II came with all the attachments, book, and cams even the original attachment box that I picked up at a flea market for 5 bucks.

I just picked up an Altens Japense made machine that looks exactly like a 1968 Dressmaker 2400 no book or cams but did come with a very nice case. I want to hunt down the cams. After cleaning out the gunked up oil and re-oiling it and verifying the wiring it runs smooth and quiet.

I also picked up a Brother named the bichor vx1005 came with the book and feet at the same time as the Altens aka dressmaker I got both of the machines for 10 dollars along with a huge bin of craft supplies.

Will take pictures and post them soon I am in the process of detailing the outside and inside of most of them. I am a computer repair tech and have found I have a knack for restoring old machines.
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