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Old 06-15-2015, 06:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Shelley M View Post
I was lucky enough to find and buy my first Featherweight yesterday. She must've had a shady past because she has had her serial number filed off. We have tried rubbing it with paper and soft pencil but she will not give it up. My question is whether or not there is another way to find out the serial number or how I can even identify what model this might be. It was purchased with a case, and it has the silver scrollwork rather than the lines on the side plate by the thread guides. Can anyone tell me what model this is or where I can find further information? Thank you. (The SINGER book that came with it does not appear to be the right one, it is for a portable and not a Featherweight so it doesn't help much. Although it was interesting!)
Well, looks like it may have been repainted because there absolutely no decals. I can see some details that help to age (assuming that it is the original end plate and Singer badge). The case, if original to machine will provide more information as to age. There were some small changes over the years to the case. The things that I need more info on are: the way the handle looks and how it is attached, if there is a tray in the case or if there is a bracket on the underside of the lid of the case and if no tray then what the little accessory tray that goes on the left side looks like (a couple of small changes to it).
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