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Old 06-25-2015, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by huskyquilter View Post
I usually don't finish something unless I have some kind of deadline. Im too easily interested in new projects. I finished two this month, both started on a whim, both for others, and both with a hard deadline. One was for a birthday that I started about 30 days before the date. The other was for a friend diagnosed with cancer and on a deadline of "asap." I had been working on one for my husband and i, and was about halfway done with with the blocks. It was set aside, but I'm looking forward to picking it back up again. I had also been working on a baby quilt for my nephew due in early august. I just about finished the top last night, but still have some work on that one. I'm going to piece the back.

My goal is to get the baby quilt, which is really about a twin size completely done and sent out by July first. My mom asked for a thanksgiving table runner and 8 matching placemats for her birthday on August 29th. I have those planned and the fabric on order.I'm looking forward to those. They will be pretty and easy to bang out. I'm hoping to have some time to go back to the one for my hubby and I before I have to start on the runner and placemats. I also joined the farmer's wife qal starting August 4th.

Ha. When I write it all out it seems like a lot! I have an app on my phone and computer called evernote. It's free to use and I have a "current projects" note where I track all my wips and where I am in each one. I'm at the point where I want to wrap those up before I start the farmers wife.
That is really cool, I have never heard of that app before it might be a good idea for me to put that on my phone.
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