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Old 01-14-2010, 07:38 AM
Paula Z in AZ
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: In the Middle of the Desert :D
Posts: 147

Originally Posted by marveenc
Hi Gal,

We're getting quite a few quilters here in the Tucson area.
Several other members of this forum and I are looking forward
to Tucson's big quilt show in late January. Would love to have you join us.

If interested, please contact me at: [email protected] and we can swap phone numbers and talk.

Welcome to the group...

in Sunny Oro Valley (Tucson)
WOW there are a lot of us "Zonies"!!

This is so much fun and YES I am going to the Quilt Fiesta..woohoo!! I plan to attend Friday & Saturday (all day) and if I don't see everything or get everything I think I need...LoL, then I'll go Sunday too!

I go on Fridays to peruse the vendors mainly and usually start at Quilt #1 and work my way around. I always take my camera- even thou I order the CD every year - 'cause if there's something that catches my eye I want close-ups.

Where should we meet? Oh, I always make a point to lunch at El Minuto if anyone is interested :)

I'll send you both a PM with my phone number; let's make it a Quilty date :-D

I'm actually feeling 'giddy' like a kid ...this will be so much fun to meet more quilters, some even on my side of town... :lol:
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