Thread: Necchi
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Old 07-08-2015, 03:57 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 11

I learned to sew on my Mom's Supernova. She purchased hers in 1955 for $500. I found the receipt in 2013 when cleaning out my parent's house. If you bought that machine in today's money it would cost you around $4300. That machine is quieter than most machines today. Read your manual. It threads different than today's machines. I have trouble with sewing machine needles staying in. I usually have to wrap a single layer of tape around the top to make the needle big enough to stay in the machine. Schmetz needles were recomended for older machines, but I still had a problem.
This is now my primary machine and I am still getting re-acquainted with it, but I am so glad my Mom never traded it in for a newer machine.
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