Thread: Selling on Etsy
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Old 01-14-2010, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Tink's Mom
Originally Posted by Jerrie
I just put some garbage bag dispensers on Etsy what i did was search for the similar items and see what they listed theirs on and that is what i then listed on I just been on there about 3 weeks and no sale, I went there because i have a friend that lists all the time and she sales all the time she have different crafts plus quilts and she got 4 orders on a memory quilt in 1 month. so between ebay and etsy i went to there i also had items on Ebay and sold there but it was other items. I think handmade items do better on Etsy. now this is my opinion. search for seller fabicmom and look at her items and see what she have that might give you a idea
Jerrie, in order to sell on Etsy, there is a little trick they don't tell you. You need to list 1 item each day in order to keep your items current and within the first couple pages when a customer is looking. By listing the one item, if someone looks at it, it will show what else you have available. Hope this helps, Susie
Thanks for the info Susie. I have an etsy account and have tote bags and purses listed. There are so many in that catagory that by the end of the first day my things are on about page 70 of over 6000 pages with 20 or 30 items to a page. Everyone tells me I should sell my projects, but I just can't figure out how or where. I will try your suggestion.
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