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Old 07-12-2015, 11:08 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

Not quilting so much as trying to organize my sewing space in my bedroom. Yesterday I had a new bed delivered, so, after 2 years of not doing much in my sewing area due to a torn rotator cuff surgery and then a shoulder replacement 2 months ago, my sewing area has become a war zone. However, I had to do some serious cleaning, decluttering, etc., etc. to make room for my new bed; so now everything is scattered hither and yon; so I need to get things organized so I can start to quilt again. However, I have cut out and quilted parts to make zippered pouches as shown in a tutorial by Jenny on MSQC, so as soon as I find the zippers again, that's what I'm going to do. Not sure what the rest of the week will bring, as I start outpatient physical therapy for my shoulder tomorrow. I'm still happy that I decided to opt for the shoulder replacement surgery, as I already have more range of motion and a lot less pain than I had 2 months ago. Three cheers for modern surgical technology. I hope to do a lot more quilting in the future and catch up on my many items on my Roundtoit List.
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