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Old 08-10-2015, 06:53 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Can't believe the kids are going back to school already, here. This summer just flew by. Many things were different for me-- the gym where I have worked for 5 years is scheduled to close, so we have lost many people who had to find memberships elsewhere. They wouldn't let us open the pool this summer, so my beloved water aerobics classes couldn't happen. I got to teach one w.a. class a week at a different facility, but the pool is indoors and the ambiance is just not the same!

I got another job because of the uncertainty of the gym... or should I say I got rehired at a job I had 12 years ago. I went back to the alterations dept. at a bridal store. I love the work... but it sure is different from my work at the gym. Lots of changes this summer for me.

Still having fun quilting and doing the swaps whenever I can squeeze it in...
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