Old 08-19-2015, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by nanna-up-north View Post
I thought it would be so much fun to work on a few Row-by-Rows. Many patterns are so fussy and they suggested I use a bonding fabric..... steam-a-seam 2-lite.

But I'm stitching around the edges and the bonding glue is making my needle sticky, breaking the thread every few inches.

I've tried wiping the needle down with rubbing alcohol but I can't do that every few inches!! Well, I could but I don't want to. That's like every 2-3 minutes of sewing.

Do any of you have any suggestions?? I know now why I applique and not stitch with this stuff.... Argh!!
You can put 1/2 a drop of sewers aid on your finger and wipe the needle with your finger. This will keep the goop from sticking to your needle. Let me know if this helps. I used to use the fuseables all the time and this worked for me.
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