Thread: Irons
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Old 09-10-2015, 06:39 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I have the Panasonic cordless and I love it. I don't ever want to go back to a corded machine!

Aside from not dealing with a cord, there are a few nice side-benefits to this design that I really am fond of.
1 - it only can heat up while on the cradle. This means, when I'm done ironing, if I leave the iron off of the cradle there is NO way for it to potentially short out or be left on accidentally. I have a silicone pad that I am now in the habit of using to store my iron on. Much easier than unplugging all the time, and less wear on the outlet.
2 - every time you pick the iron up off the cradle, it resets its internal shut-off timer. So as long as you're consistently using the iron, it will never shut off on you. But if you forget and walk away, it will still turn itself off.
3 - the water tank detaches, so I can leave the iron heating up on the cradle and fill the reservoir over the sink without having to deal with weird angles or spilling water on my work. The water tank is also completely translucent so I always know how much water is in there.
4 - it comes with a heat-proof lid that snaps down over the cradle, and the cord retracts. So when I take it to a friend's house, I can very easily pack it up while still hot and it's safe to transport as-is.

It's not perfect - it does sputter a bit if you're using steam, and if you're ironing a lot of large pieces of yardage it can cool down on you a bit (since it does only heat in the cradle, it's slowly cooling as you're using it). But for the way I use it, those are very minor drawbacks that don't really impact me.

If it broke today I'd buy another one exactly like it. (Mine is about 2, maybe 3 years old now and still going strong.)
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