Thread: Elmer's Glue
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Old 09-25-2015, 05:58 AM
AZ Jane
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Originally Posted by FabStripper
Thank you for showing exactly what you used and how you did it. When you say you hung the quilt on the line to dry do you mean after you rolled it or after you quilted it? Thanks.[/QUOTE I hung the glue basted quilt out on the line to dry. I had extra batt at the top and just used clothespins. It did make the sandwich kind of stiff so shoving a large glue basted quilt through the machine would be harder.
Either thin the glue with water even more or don't try to get every inch covered. Remember when pin or thread basting, you don't get every little bit, just here and there to hold it still while you quilt.

When drizzling the glue, just make sure you are not leaving any glue blobs. If you get a blob, just smooth out with a finger. And again, not every square inch needs glue.

Just make sure you are using Elmer's WASHABLE School Glue, they do make different types.

Last edited by AZ Jane; 09-25-2015 at 06:01 AM.
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