Old 10-15-2015, 11:39 AM
Mrs. SewNSew
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Originally Posted by Ruby Tuesday View Post
ok, thank you, it's stitching well now.
fngers crossed I'll be able to have a go at drawing with it now
I am guessing that by "drawing" you mean free motion. I am not sure about using no foot, most people get a hopping foot for the machine to use. I know that you DO have to have the presser foot lowered-not in the up position, or your tension device will not work and you don't get proper tension on your thread. You can lower the feed dogs or cover them, if your machine doesn't have that option. Generally you set the stitch length at 0 but I am not even sure that matters since the feed dogs are not feeding the fabric, it's how fast you run the motor vs move the fabric that will determine your stitch length.
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