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Old 03-22-2007, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Joyce
Yes, you do need a special machine to coil bind. I bought mine over the internet, along with the plastic coils. I was extremely pleased with the prices and service from the company I bought from. If anyone needs info, let me know.

I hate to use books that you can't lay flat!
I gathered up 20 quilting books and went in to Staples. I asked them to bind just one so I could check out the quality of their work.
A girl did just one and it looked just fine. They told me to come back in a couple of hours and they would be done.
When I went back, the girl was gone, and a young guy (new hire) had done the job.
When he cut the binding off, he cut it starting at 1/4" that went to a half inch. A severe angle to the cut, which took off part of the printed page, which included pattern parts. I was furious! These were up to $30.00 books.
I went to the manager and showed him what had happened. I told him I wanted to be re-embursed for the price of the books. Two of them were out of print and couldn't be replaced, so I told him I wanted those back, but wouldn't pay for the binding.
I could tell he didn't like it, but you know what? I didn't like what had just happened either.
So to make this long story short, that is why I bought a binder. I tell family and friends to bring their books to me that they want bound, and no, I don't charge them, not even for the coils. I figure it is my way of "casting bread upon the waters".
You can probably tell I still get "hot" over this issue.
Thanks for letting me blow steam.
you call that steam? Girl, please. read the threads about WalMart or fabric prices. you haven't even hit the "Silk" setting yet. LOL

we talk about all kinds of things at this board. occassionally one or a few of us will already be ticked off when we log on and everybody else gets to share our "joy". what you'll find here is a whole bunch of old friends you've never met. it's GREAT!

be yourself. join the fun.
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