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Old 01-19-2010, 08:22 AM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: S.E. Kansas
Posts: 61

When I was in the market, I went to the MQS show and tried out the many different brands. It was very overwhelming but I did get tons of information. Then I made my own sheet showing the good and bad features of each brand and size along with prices. Then I took my time and done much research online. When I felt I was ready and had narrowed down the list to 3 different models, I called and arranged to try each on them again at a dealer. There are also chat rooms for several longarms and reading information on them helped greatly. It turned out that my first pick was what I purchased. It had the best featured that I knew I wanted and needed for the future plus the best price. It was too big of a purchased to find that it was not big enough to do all I wanted, so I kept future plans in my mind. I have had it 6 months and never regreted it once. Longarm university is a great place to start. It may be hosted by Gammil but it does give you names of other manufacturers and lots of great information for anyone wanting to purchase a longarm. Hope this helps.
Connie, Kansas Innova 26" owner and proud of it.
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