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Old 03-26-2008, 08:34 AM
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How great that you were able to meet the little person who got your quilt. Years ago when I was working my agency was asked to find sewers to make Linus quilts and a metro hospital with a neo-natal clinic needed premie baby blankets. You are right everyone, the blanket sizes were a big deal but also for the premies, they didn't want anything that had seems in the body of the blanket where the babies would lay since a premie is sometimes so fragile, even the seams in a blanket bruise or break the skin tissue. They also requested the premie blankets all be very, very soft cotton fabric ONLY; that it be washed before the item is given to get all the sizing. dyes and chemicals out of the fabric and tht NO bright, dark colors be used???? Don't know why the color mattered but it did.
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