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Old 12-07-2015, 05:56 PM
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You are so welcome, I think I enjoyed this swap the most of the ones I did this season of joy, I hope we all have a wonderful season, remembering all the past of the good times, and the times of the future for us to share. For most let's all remeber how this season first started, with the faith of Christ and the love of that jolly old man, lol.

Originally Posted by rwquilts View Post
Wowzer!!! It took me a while to catch up and look at all the amazing ornaments...great creativity!!!

Now, I must comment about my own package!!! Can you say "Mother Lode"????? I was stunned at the ornaments and gifts that TPr9258/TeriLynn sent me!!! I am thrilled at her generosity and creativity! She sent me: an adorable crocheted "donut" pin cushion, a quilting "shophop" ladies vibrant print, some snapple flavored jelly bellys, the most adorable garland of small cinnamon gingerbread men, in addition to many larger gingerbread ornaments, a cute quilted gingerbread bag to hold all the cinnamon ornaments and garland, 3 white snowman ornaments, a small bottle of hand sanitizer, a card of alphabet pins (which I forgot to take a picture of), a small blue bag with a collapsable fan inside (for those hot days of summer)and a nice christmas goodness!

Thank you again Teri Lynn! I love it all!!! I'm sooo glad I didn't peek (you taping the shoebox using a whole roll of tape helped) until opening day!
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