Thread: Selling quilts?
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Old 12-24-2015, 06:18 AM
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Virginia
Posts: 25

Originally Posted by Jcarpentier View Post
Thanks so much! I'm really thinking of possibly selling quilts but maybe even smaller projects such as quilted pot holders, place mats, and such. Thanks again!
I sell large quilts, potholders, and table runners on Etsy. I love doing it and it is fun, but a LOT of work. With all the shops on Etsy, it is very hard to get found unless you put an hour or so at least every other day into social media. Plus there is all the search engine optimization research, and the listing photographing.

I also have a blog with quilting tips, patterns, and features of quilts I have made. This helps bring in some traffic to my Etsy shop. You could try ebay, specific quilt selling websites, or put out local ads such as for sale Facebook pages. Good luck!
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