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Old 01-25-2016, 06:37 AM
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Originally Posted by ladyelaine View Post
Hi Folks,
Long time no see. Today is the 5th anniversary of my son's suicide. It's amazing how your body will heal your mind given the chance. Number one, we moved to Hilton Head 2-1/2 years ago which meant I did not have to look at what he decorated in our house in every nook and cranny. Number two, with the move I am more busy than I've ever been. I am remodeling my entire house by myself, me and You Tube have gotten tight, I even do plumbing. My husband had a bad muscular attack about a year ago from taking Lipitor and he can barely walk so I am on my own. My oldest son is nearby if things are too tough for me.

Well, anyway to get on with life, I visited a neighbor yesterday and found her quilting, only the second time we met and we started gabbing like a pair of teenagers over the quilting. Now I'm motivated again. Problem for me is I got rid of so much before we moved that I have a little 10" stack of fabric, first things first, got to get my tools and I have an entire room that's mine alone. That's what I am organizing today. First I have to decide how to arrange it. I plan on putting a bed in there too for the company we are sure to have. So off I go the sky is the limit, almost!! Elaine
Dear Elaine, I'm so sorry about your son's death. It's more tragic that any parent can imagine, I'm sure, unless they've experienced it. My heart and prayers go out to you as you get through the five year mark.

You get all my respect for remodeling on your own. Whoa! Superhero skills hard at work. Glad you've gotten cozy with YouTube. LOL. You're going to really enjoy making that sewing/guest room your sanctuary. I have a queen bed in mine and everything does dual duty.
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