Thread: Mice mug rugs
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Old 01-31-2016, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by zennia View Post
RugosaB, if I right click my mouse I have a translate command. See if you have it. I hit translate for the mouse and it is the same as not translated--hope this makes sense.
Thanks for the pattern. my daughter is having trouble with mice in her garage. Think I have to make her a few of these.
One night I was sitting at this computer, and saw a mouse run along the baseboard. I had been told these dogs I have, basenjis, are very catlike, so thought, let's test this.
5 of them were sleeping on the couch:
2 didn't even open their eyes when I called them, 2 lifted their heads and decided whatever I wanted couldn't be worth getting up
but one, my dear sweet Rosa, heard the excitement in my voice, and after I showed her what I wanted her to see, caught and killed the darn thing with one chomp, like she had done this before. Oh yeah, she had! So did the other s though, but that was outside, and they weren't getting their beauty sleep.
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