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Old 03-20-2016, 07:33 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 5
Default Hinterberg roller length

I just recently acquired a Hinterberg classic frame for $10 (can you believe it?). The woman who sold it to me had 10' rollers which are way too big for my current needs. I contacted Hinterberg and I will need to purchase new end connectors for one side only and cut down the conduit pipe to the size I want - 8 feet. Has anyone tried using a length of say 6' and left the un-geared end open and used a connector to add length to the pipe to make the rollers "adjustable" in length?

I don't know if this makes sense, but it seems that if a pipe could fit the inside dimension of the conduit, 2 lengths of the pipe could be connected and maybe duct taped at the joint to make the connection smooth. This way, I wouldn't have to have multiple sets of rollers.

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