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Old 03-26-2016, 10:53 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Chiang Mai
Posts: 84
Default How to organize a quilt meet up?


I am a "lonely" beginner quilter...I mean, I do not have so much choice because in Chiang Mai (Thailand) where I leave there is not quilt guilds or similar meetings. There is a couple of shops that sell craft related stuff and that I think, teach how to quilt but I still do not talk the language enough to understand and to feel comfortable.
Anyway...I found a meetup on the meetup platform on the web...but it looks I am not lucky...because I think the creator of that group left Thailand ... after months there is no messages from her, not answer to my contact meeting scheduled ...

sooooo... to make it short ...I was thinking to start my own meetup. I saw that few other expat quilters joined the group so I contacted them to check if they are interested to create a new group together.

Now...I am a bit scared in case they replied me back and I have to organize something that I never did and on a matter that I do not know very well as I am a real I thought to ask you any piece of advice you can have for me:
How to organize a quilt meetup? What I have to think about, how you organize your meetings? How much space I have to provide?
I would like to start a new "quilt-culture" here in Thailand ( there is some group in Bangkok but it is sooo far away)...maybe in few years we can ha a small quilt show or competition here ....(do not blame me...I am a dreamer..)

Thanks a lot to everyone <3<3<3
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