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Old 04-02-2016, 07:50 AM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Glendon, Moore County, NC
Posts: 36

Tornadoes are a fierce thing. Only GOD has control. I've been blessed as I lived through several one night that Hurricane Fran came through the tip of Moore County North Carolina, which is in the center of the state...we had according to the Forrestry Service about 6 Tornadoes to touch ground here in and around my new doublewide home (5 days sitting here on my property). Pine trees brushed and fell on the edge of my home; however, it was spared due to my car being total lost, and my daughter's pick-up receiving damage. I lost about 100 trees, and it took over a year and about 6 or 8 men to come and look before a single one would say they would remove the trees because of such destruction. Then they each said you could smell was infested with snakes. I was without power for 3 + weeks. Yet, the news did not proclaim we had any damage here in Moore County. My daughter had just moved in with me, bringing her new born son, and she was so scared I thought she was going to run out of the house in the middle of this thing and leave her son. I told her no she wasn't, she had a son in the crib in there in the bedroom, and she had to protect him; and if you do go out now, you will be killed. Finally I went and stood by my bed, praying LORD, YOU told me, you would NEVER leave me nor forsake me, now stay with me and help me bear this storm. All at once the winds calmed, heaviness came over us all, and we fell asleep. But before going sound asleep I hear the wind go to the other side of the house and on up the road, and leave. The next morning, my brother came about 10:00 AM waking us up...scared to death we were dead. He said he had not ever seen such devastation. He just lives canter-cornered in the woods back of me, and was not nearly damaged as I was. We lived. We THANKED GOD.
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