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Old 04-07-2016, 05:08 AM
Just Jan
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Originally Posted by Sandrea View Post
Sewbizgirl and Marlene C.......I had the same comment as you both. I just couldn't believe that she could not have waited a few days til she was over that cold to make the tutorial. You could barely understand her ......then her written instructions listed the size of the squares differently than what she told you on her video. I tried to e-mail her to ask which one was correct (the written or the video) but have not heard anything back from her in 3 days. But thank heavens someone on the Quilt Board (this thread) gave the corrected size of the blocks.
I totally agree, she should have waited until her voice healed. I could only take a couple minutes of it! As for the comments about the purchased pattern... I agree its not worth the money I spent for it. The directions are very confusing. She either needed to give better directions or charge less for the pattern. Tried someone else's method using batting, and it was floppy; so purchased the pattern and all the recommended items. Another waste of money and a lot of disappointment. Got disgusted with it then a month later thought maybe if I watched the video I would try again. Yeah, right! Couldn't take that raspy voice... like fingernails over a chalk board! Will hope to find a better tutorial and will look for the one mentioned by Grandma Mary. Heard good things about that one but haven't been there yet. OK, how's that for venting? LOL Sorry, but its just so frustrating!

Last edited by Just Jan; 04-07-2016 at 05:15 AM.
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