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Old 04-10-2016, 11:13 AM
Join Date: May 2014
Location: NYS
Posts: 6
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Originally Posted by Just Jan
Very nice Mollybug. Would love to see the batting shelf.

I have my batting stored on a wire shelf, down about maybe 18" from the ceiling. I think its called ventilated shelving-the type used in closets. I have it around three sides of the room and its hung so the bottom is level with the door and window casings. I store batting, Insulbrite, and clear plastic shoe boxes of holiday fabrics, etc. there. I'm short so I keep a low stool in there, so I can reach anything in a small tub, and also have one of those grabber tools which I use to pull down bagged battings. Sure makes lots of extra storage space that was otherwise wasted space.

I forgot to say, I hung part of the shelving with the lip up and one section is hung with the lip down. The up side keeps bags from rolling off and the side with the lip facing down makes it easy to slide the plastic containers off when I need them. I also have sets of blocks, UFOs and WIPS in pizza boxes stored up there.

Thanks and great idea about the shelving. I will repost pics when sewing table has new shelf on.
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