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Old 01-25-2010, 05:15 PM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 17

A banana peel and the trashy novel may just help spread it. I get it really bad, got it so bad during a winter here in Lake Effect territory that my face was swollen and people asked if my husband beat me! Never! Back then I took the steroid pacs. Now, I have diabetes and steroids just wreaks havoc on sugar control. So I have a regimen. As soon as I realize I've made contact with poison ivy, I take a hot bath with dish soap in it (couple tablespoons full) to remove oil. Then the calamine lotion and Benadryl. Try not to scratch anywhere where it isn't showing (or where it is) because Doc said since the histamines are already revved up, anywhere you scratch, they'll run to and you'll have a new eruption! Good Luck!
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