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Old 01-26-2010, 08:13 PM
Shadow Dancer
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Originally Posted by Judi in Ohio
Has anyone gone on and seen Bonnies sorting methods? I think she is brilliant and she has changed my life. I really do not want to do a 2, 3 or 4 fabric quilt, I love scrappy. so I have the large containers and had my husband put dividers in each one. I have a 1 1/2" strip, 2" strip & 2 1/2" strip container, divided into light, med, darks. So, if I know I need 2" strips to make a bunch of green 4 patches, I go to my 2" bin, which has actually been expanded to include another bin of batiks on one side and neutrals in the other. Pull out my greens & neutrals and off I go. I made one of Bonnies patterns the other day Chunky Churndash ( I am the unwashed hostess of Bonnies swap group called Quiltville swap, we are swapping that block). It was a snap to get started on that block because everything was there for me to grab. I didn't cut a thing for that block. My squares & half squares are in another rolling cart, easy to access. For my larger pieces I have some unique pieces of furniture that I use that are perfect for the job at hand. If anyone is interested I will dl some pictures. A piece of fabric does not walk into my house without getting a 1 1/2", 2", & 2 1/2" strip cut from it - I buy fabric with that in mind and sometimes that's all the fabric I buy. When I tell you I like scrappy - I mean it - the more fabric the more I like it.
Judi in Ohio
This is how I organize my scraps. I have several drawer units that each drawer is for a different size. I have all backgrounds sorted into 1, 2, 2 1/2 and 3 1/2" strips Squares are sorted the same and in their own drawers. Colors are the done the same. As I finish a quilt, I cut the leftover fabric into strips and feed the scrap drawers :)
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