Thread: Audiobooks
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Old 06-03-2016, 05:36 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

Another service you can ask your library about is Overdrive.

I don't know if libraries in other states offer the following, .
but if they do I HIGHLY recommend you do the following.

Apply for/obtain a library card from as MANY local libraries as
you can.

Now before anyone gets their hackles up about having to track
of so many cards let me explain WHY I did this.

When you go to you can "link" any/all libraries
to your Overdrive account. Not ALL libraries will have all the same
books (for e-readers)/audiobooks.

I really LOVE audiobooks, and I especially love books in a series.
Sometimes the series I am wanting to get does not have all the
books. By having (9 different library cards at this time) I am almost
ALWAYS able to get the full series. So far I have had very FEW books
that I couldn't get all the books, for those I just get the books on
cd, and save them to my iPod Classic (my listening device of choice).

Try it you might find many more books than you thought available to you.
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