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Old 06-05-2016, 09:33 AM
Luv Quilts and Cats
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Cool Using Quilts with cats in the house

Hello, everyone! My quilting friend makes gorgeous quilts to give as gifts and is now making some for herself. She made a beautiful Pointsettia quilt for herself. She loves it. Can you believe it travels around with her in the trunk in her car in a plastic bag? She has a cat who loves to knead everything if it is soft. She doesn't dare put any quilts on her bed, chairs or couch for fear the cat's claws will destroy the quilt. I am still working on convincing her the quilt would be better in her apartment than in her car and she could put it somewhere the cat could not get to it. Does anyone deal with this? How do you overcome it? I have suggested that she get those caps to glue on the cat's claws but so far she hasn't done it. It might be too much of a hassle. She doesn't want to get her cat de-clawed. She works during the day so is not home. It's such a pity she can't enjoy her beautiful quilts. I also told her to put a blanket over the quilt when she makes the bed, but she is afraid the claws will go through it to the quilt. Any ideas?

She is graduating in August from 3 years of religious study. I found the perfect stamped cross-stitch quilt for her. I need your ideas on how you protect your quilts from cats. The kit makes a lap quilt which would be lovely. However, keeping in mind the cat, I may decrease the size to a wall hanging.

Thank you so much for your answers! I just know I will get some great ideas here!
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