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Old 06-06-2016, 08:34 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 7,312

Your friend could try laying sheets of aluminum foil or bubble wrap on her bed. Most cats do not like these and will learn not to jump up on them. My cats hate the smell of vinegar and I finally had to resort to misting diluted (with water) vinegar on my new couch to keep them from scratching it. Of course, I tested it in an inconspicuous place before doing that to make sure it would not harm the upholstery. Another scent many cats do not like is citrus but be careful because too much can cause bleaching of colors. The vinegar smell lasts a long time and with their super sensitive noses they can smell it long after my family and I can no longer. I usually dilute it 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar. A friend of mine had to make a solution that was a little stronger for her cats. We teased her that they must have sinus problems and couldn't smell as well.

There are also special mats you can buy from pet stores and Amazon that you attach a battery too. They will give a "shock" to the cat when they jump up on them. There are usually 3 different settings. I tested it on me first to make sure that it would not harm my babies. Even the strong setting was okay but I kept it always on the lightest one knowing that the cats were probably more sensitive to it than me. I had a problem with me cats getting on the kitchen counters. It only took about 2-3 times before they learned not to jump up on them. They are kind of pricey but I weighed the cost against my stress level of constantly shooing them. I tried the water method but they thought it was fun!

Last edited by JanieH; 06-06-2016 at 08:39 AM.
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