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Old 06-13-2016, 12:53 PM
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Illinois
Posts: 6
Default Easily wrinkled fabric

I am working on a large quilt (king sized) made up of half square triangles (the finished blocks are 13 inches). I am using different brown fabrics and a cream colored fabric. The cream colored fabric wrinkles extremely easily. Each block was pressed before I pieced them together, but of course the cream fabric was wrinkled after I finished. I am looking for any tips and tricks to help get the wrinkles out. Should I press it all with an iron? Hand wash it? Should I worry about the wrinkles at all? Will they be noticeable after quilting? I plan on quilting it by hand and will be taking a hand quilting class later this month. Sorry for all the questions, I am fairly new to quilting as this is only the second quilt I have made and about four times the size of my first (it was a wall hanging)!
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