Thread: Quilt as you go
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Old 08-05-2016, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by asheryl View Post
Thank you all for the links and tips. I think a lot of them will be very helpful. I've watched several different videos already that have been helping me understand what I need to do and I've got a much better understanding of how to go about making this QAYG quilt. Unfortunately I only just realized today that I probably didn't buy the right batting. One of the videos said cotton was the best and I found a website that explained all the different battings and what was recommended or not recommended. I bought 100% polyester and see they don't recommend that at all. Will my quilt be really bad if I use it?
I also realized that I bought the wrong type of fusible web but at least that's not too expensive to replace.
I played around with some scrap material yesterday and tried sewing some strips to a center square. Seemed easy enough so I'm not sure where the difficult part comes in. I also realized after reading my pattern for about the 100th time, that I have to sew the few square corners to the shortened strips so that shouldn't be difficult. At least in my mind it doesn't sound difficult.
I'm taking my time with getting started because I want to be sure I understand the process before I ruin my material.
I use poly all the time, and the quilts turn out fine. I have Warm and Natural cotton in my closet and may get it out because I am running out of the poly. To me, it made my quilt a little too heavy and since I am handling it on my regular sewing machine, I really notice the weight. So either one is ok, start with what you have or you are just going to get bogged down and discouraged. I assume you are doing applique if you are using fusible web? I am just starting hand applique and doing the needle turn. I do not use any fusible web so far, just needle and thread.
It's fantastic to check out a lot of resources but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Everyone has their own opinion and it will be up to feel your way and develop your own methods and techniques. I am not discounting anyone's recommendations but everyone has a different experience level and thought process.

So what if you make a mistake here and there. It is not life and death. Hugs to you.

Last edited by slbram17; 08-05-2016 at 04:01 PM.
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