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Old 08-24-2016, 06:03 PM
kay carlson
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Michigan's Upper Peninsula
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Originally Posted by ladyinpurple135
I started a YBR years ago - of course I needed it to be bigger than just the 12 fat quarters - so I bought 24. All went well with the cutting - I marked the size I was going to need so I knew how many pieces to cut. Then I started sewing the blocks together - still going pretty well until I lost tract of who many blocks of each type I needed to make. I ended up making more of one kind than I needed so,didn't have enough pieces to make the required number of the others. And that's where it has been sitting for a long, long time. I have now gotten over my annoyance at making this mistake (my "happy" medicine really helps����) and so I will drag out the squares and set them up however they look good to me and finish it. I think it's a really neat quilt and Keepsake Quilting has sets of 12 fst quarters for making one -easy way to go.

Sandy in Mooresville, NC
Bravo! You will be creating a one of a kind top and be sure that as the artist you don't tell anyone about the so-called error. Seriously, this is the design reflecting the artist's creativity. ;-0
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